
Showing posts from August, 2019

Patient Safety, Simulation and Human Factors …Part II …the applications of simulation

Out of all my blogs the one that seems to have stimulated most interest was the one I wrote on how simulation should be seen as part of patient safety activity ( click here for that blog )  rather than the typical thought that it is just a form of training and often just resuscitation training at that. Spurred on following some Twitter (@NWSEN) and face to face interactions I wanted to write a blog which built on this work and in particularly looking at the art of the possible and how simulation can, and in fact is, being used to support some of the emerging patient safety concepts.  Remember we are describing simulation as a spectrum of activity ( blog on this is here ) with a variety of underpinning educational theories aligned to the learning outcomes, these learning outcomes can be ones for the individual, team or organisation. Additionally simulation should be a quality assured education event that can be delivered in a variety of ways including with real people ( see