
Showing posts from August, 2018

Ergonomics - time to do my VDU risk assessment again!

In this weeks blog I want to really discuss Ergonomics and start to think about how this is understood, or not, in healthcare.  My interest in this area started years ago - delivering simulation I started to get invited, or invite myself, to a variety of trust (organisational) meetings focussing on a number of quality improvement areas. Topics that have probably been procrastinated on around the world in healthcare organisations such as   patients slips and falls how to spot the deteriorating patient  rates of infection in central lines and urethral catheters ….etc  What I realised over a period of time was that I was having very similar conversations with each disparate group i.e. whilst we focussed on very specific clinical elements there was some unseen presence in the shadows that was not recognised - maybe this entity offered a solution across the range of clinical issues and maybe even a solution to issues we were not looking at!   Initially my focus was around the

“So where do we start with simulation in our department?”

When you discuss starting a simulation programme with individuals in a department (or ward etc) there is often a point where the opportunities of simulation almost become overwhelming. There are so many potential simulation areas that could be addressed that often people are unsure where to start.   Over a period of time I have developed a mental model on how to engage and develop a departmental simulation programme in a step wise approach within a department or area. It also works at an organisational level though this blog concentrates on the department level.  The first thing is to realise that all the different groups need to be engaged with the simulation; there is no point in having one professional group, leading and mandating others attend - as there is a risk that it will be seen as the group needs these people as “props” for their own training - the other people will feel that they will not get anything from the sessions. It is important that all the groups have ow